
[Algemene forums] Vragen over DCS / BMS en 31st

31st Flight video's - Snowman perspectief

23 augustus 2017, 10:52
Wellicht leuk om mee te kunnen kijken met de vluchten die we maken bij het 31st. Kom hier terug voor regelmatige updates!

If you want a taste of the flights of the 31st. just watch this thread!

We were tasked to escort a B-2 stealth bomber that was going to strike Wonsan Airbase. Multiple fighter bases on the northern coast of North Korea are marked on the HSD with AAA-threat circles. Wonsan is the home of a Mig-29A squadron so we agreed to setup a grinder to monitor the airfield for aircraft taking off. Thank god for that ;-)

After playing with the B-2, in total 4 successful engagements. Great formation landing at the end of the video!

Copper11: Snowman, Copper13: Velcro

0:02:30 Takeoff
0:12:00 Formation B-2 stealth Bomber
0:13:30 Engagement 2 MIG-23
0:31:30 Engagement 2 MIG-29
0:42:00 Engagement 1 MIG-23
0:50:00 Engagement 1 MIG-29
1:04:30 Formation landing
23 augustus 2017, 10:53
Een Bizarre refuelvlucht!

To train the management of multiple flights trying to refuel on the same tanker. Unfortunately the tanker was behaving very strange an reduced speed to 140 kts. Cool to refuel with more 13 AOA! :-)

After that a attack on T-55 battalion and overhead break.

Falcon1: 1- Velcro, 2- Snowman
Hog2: 1-Knight, 2-Erik, 3-Bartje
Cowboy1: 1-Easy, 2-Kneejo

0:16:40 Takeoff
0:38:50 Air to air refuel start
0:45:30 High AOA refuel! :-)
0:55:30 Maverick attack
1:03:30 GBU-12 attack
1:33:30 Strafing run
1:42:00 Overhead break

Ook te zien vanuit de perspectief van Knight:
23 augustus 2017, 16:01
Mijn perspectief
25 augustus 2017, 21:37

We set-up a Intercept to intercept a group of bogeys. Na een snelle rampstart zo snel mogelijk airborne en burnerclimb naar A27. We kregen ze snel op de radar en het bleken twee groepen te zijn bestaande uit MIG-29 en SU-30.

Gypsy1 - Snowman, Icarus

06:30 Take-off
09:30 Engagment 1
12:30 Defensive
14:00 re-engage
17:00 re-engage / defensive due to a nails 29 (later spike) at 2 o clock.
26:30 Landing
29 augustus 2017, 08:45

Departing from Aviano Airbase Cowboy2 was tasked to engage all the SAMs across the FLOT (forward line of troops). primary target was a SA-5. Mission critical was the SA-2 (Casino) that in the target area. Popup SAM targets were possible. Serpents2 job was to keep the area clear of enemy fighters. After a refuel Serpent experienced engagements with Mig-29As, G-4 Galeb and j-22.
Great flight and nice overhead break recoveries.

Cowboy2 - Icarus, Knight, Onix
Serpent2 - Snowman, Nighteyes, Velcro, Kneejo
Shark2 - Duck, Al3xtiger

0:18:40 Take-off
0:34:20 Refuel
0:55:20 Engagement 2x G-4 Galeb
1:10:50 engagement 3x MIG-29
1:14:00 engaging additional 2x G-4 Galeb
1:17:00 reengage 2x MIG-29
1:27:10 Engagement 2x J-22
1:42:40 Engagement 2x MIG-29
1:48:20 engaging additional 2x G-4 Galeb
1:57:15 Rejoin
2:07:30 Flyby tanker ;-)
2:23:50 Overhead Break Aviano
2:30:00 Overhead Break Cowboy2 (seen from the ground)
3 september 2017, 10:59
5 september 2017, 08:08
12 september 2017, 23:42
26 september 2017, 15:03

Unfortunately the recordings had a glitch resulting in a black square left. But since i was flying a EF-111 that is not a big issue. All info is in the HSD.

Brief: We were tasked to attack Souda and deploy marines though the landing of two C-17s. Cobra was fragged on air to Air but was unable to push through the hostile BARCAPS. In the end I was forced to order the abort of the mission. Without Gypsy and Mack being able to attack. The weather was also challenging so gear collapse occured on two aircrafts and is most probabably due to hot brakes. Lots of Lessons learned

Pilots: Raven11 (EF-111) Snowman MACK1 (C-17) Hammer & Speedy Cobra1 (F-16MLU) Scuby, Knight, Velcro, Spider Gypsy1 (F-16C-52) Easy, Shogun, Mailman, Sambucca
30 september 2017, 10:08
1 oktober 2017, 19:11
Excellent vid!

As an addendum, here's an example of a 3-ship executing a left wheel around the target. If you all follow approximately the same arc and speed, rejoining remains easy.

I read in a book about Vietnam that they usually did a quarter wheel per aircraft, but anyway, normally it would be good if the FAC gives an attack heading that doesn't require too much circling around through the wheel.

1 oktober 2017, 19:45
Hoi Onix,

Mooi plaatje. Dat laat goed zien wat een wheel is en waarvoor het handig is.

Een wheel is met name geschikt voor CCIP bombing (Vietnam tijd) en minder voor LGBs. Vandaar dat ik naar een wheel switchte toen cowboy ons vrijgaf voor de laatste twee aanvallen.

Groet Snowman
8 oktober 2017, 22:37

Balkans practice flight. We went straight to Take-off.
Engagement of 2 ship Mig21 and attack on oil refinery and tanks.
(somehow my bombs did not explode? - need to check out the film ;-) )

Pilots: Knight, Snowman
15 oktober 2017, 00:23

mission: Operation Dragon mission 2 DCA (Fury1)
After some issues with comms we took off from Kalamata to defend our southern border from the hostile Redland. We encountered 2 flights of 4 ship F-16s! We engaged and succeeded to splash 3. The second engagement resulted in the loss of nr. 4 and two F-16s managed leak and flank nr. 2 wich resulted in his demise. I did take out one of the low flying aircraft. After that two flights of F-4 joined the fight. We succeeded to takeout two of them and after that two F-16s that were on my tail. :-)
nr. 3 and I were out of slammers and low on fuel so we went RTB and performed a formation landing. In the end we destroyed 9 aircraft: 7 F-16s and 2 F-4s
Exiting flight!

(we combined two flights - Fury1 and Garbo1 - into one to eliminate the AI so that is why we setup datalink as we do and that is also why i send my target steerpoints to 3 and 4)

Fury1: 1-Snowman, 2-Duck, 3-Velcro, 4-Speedy
28 oktober 2017, 23:54

Brief: Operation Dragon mission 4 If you want to fly this mission, download it from: Strike on Heraklion airbase. 4 flights of F-16s from all sides. 15 seconds spacing. But i ended up in a flaming ball of fire (OOOPS). :-) See part 2 for my RTB in an AV-8 Harrier:

Pilots: Cobra1: Duck, Dutch Jolly2: Mailman, Ringo Lancer3: Easy Rocket4: Snowman
10 november 2017, 19:36

First day of Rolling fire strong drpk campaign. we planned to strike Heaju airbase and Taetan airbase. Home of a MIG-21 and J-11 squadron. We planned to strike the SA-2s in the area with GBU-39 and carried 1 AGM-88 each for popup sams. GBU-24s for the runway.
After takeoff we spotted a 4-ship j-11s tracking East. Evaded and after dropping a GBU-12 on the SA-2 on route to Teatan nr.2 engaged Heaju while nr1 went defensive for a popup SA-4.
After a HAS attack on the SA-4 We engaged the 4-ship J-11s and 1 had to go defensive. Nr 2 reengaged the SA-4 While nr. 1 scanned the area. after that we set up a engagement for another 2 SA-2s. The attack on Taetan was cancelled due to the SA-4.
After another A-A engagement nr.2 was hit and we went RTB and landed safely at homeplate.
A cool multirole mission that keeps us on our toes.
3 SA-2s battalions out of action, Haeju airbase and 3 J-11s and a Su-25 shot down. A good start of the campaign :-)

Pilots: Serpent11: Snowman, Serpent 12: Delta
12 november 2017, 17:32
A quick mission in the afternoon :-)
After joining on a tanker that started flying REALLY slow (refueling with 210 kts) we proceeded to the target area where some leftovers from battalions needed cleaning up. Been a while since i used mavericks and that shows (!). Need to practice more. We destroyed all vehicles in the target area. After that i was hit (nothing in debrief, but i assume AAA) and i RTB'd. Nr 3 disconnected so a bit of a strange flight.

Icarus, Knight, Duck, Snowman
13 november 2017, 04:52
A few (4.33) maverick tips:

- You get the same issue that I always see when switching SOI from the TGP to an unlocked, boresighted Maverick seeker, and starting to move it: it makes a disorienting jump as if it suddenly ignores boresight.

I "fix" this by quickly switching SOI back to the TGP, and back again to the Maverick. You'll get this issue for every Maverick you try to move, and it will be "fixed" by the switch trick, as long as you stay in the AG master mode and only switch between weapon stations (so if you have 4 stations you can "prepare" all 4 by doing the switching like 20 miles out when you can't get a lock yet anyway, and you won't get bitten / disoriented in the time critical part of the attack run).

- Boresighting always worked fine for me without cycling master mode between stations. I think it was useful pre-4.33 for some issue(?) but now it seems to make things worse (such as in the case above, and it also costs extra time).

- TGP doesn't actually need to be point-locked for boresighting to work.

It makes the boresighting a little less accurate, but I've found it useful anyway because sometimes the TGP refuses to point lock something that the mavericks can lock, or vice versa. So instead of wasting time with such objects you can still get a guaranteed "same ballpark" alignment that will make any followup boresighting attempt significantly easier (because the seekers will be almost correct already), or you can just live with the small deviation and use manual locking after spotting with the TGP (which I tend to do anyway because TGP handoff is a real pain to get working consistently, and anytime it fails you just lost a bunch of precious time).

- There are other "issues" with the Maverick that make it a pain to use sometimes, notably that it sometimes just plain refuses to lock up certain objects. It's not really a problem if you're just shooting whatever in an area, but it's really annoying if you're trying to pick out certain targets (like SA19's from a T90 column). Maybe it's related to object types and approach angles, but whatever it is I can't explain it visually because the targets appear very clearly in the Maverick seeker. I've just accepted this one as some inexplicable Maverick handicap and fly a different approach heading / angle if I decide to do another run.

Hope this provides some bandaids

P.S. The slow tanker bug suspiciously happened after #2, when #3 was skipped. Maybe because it was AI, or maybe because it was human (Nighteyes) before? That should be easy to test some time. It's also very interesting that connecting for a little bit seemed to "fix" it again, or maybe that also had something to do with #3 becoming human again (Duck)?
13 november 2017, 07:29
Hi Onix, thanks for the tips! In my case there were two reasons why i was having a difficult time with the mavs. First i did not petform the boresight/handoff correctly for at least two stations. Second (and more importantly) handoff was not really important and i should have focussed on the attack without that. (I tried to switch later but that was not optimal.)

Did not know the SOI fix. Thx. Sounds like a good plan. But if you perform boresighting correctly it should not be necessary.

PS boresighting does work without switching mastermodes indeed. Handoff i believe does not?
13 november 2017, 17:16
Did not know the SOI fix. Thx. Sounds like a good plan. But if you perform boresighting correctly it should not be necessary.

The SOI issue already happens during boresighting itself (for example at 50:04).

Probably just a minor annoyance when far away / high up with plenty of time but I've definitely been bitten by the teleportation, and a quick SOI toggle back and forth makes it super easy to recover

Also a gamechanger for me whenever handoff doesn't work (for whatever reason), I have a lot more SA when using Mavs as a visual weapon after stepping through FCR -> TGP to get near something.

PS boresighting does work without switching mastermodes indeed. Handoff i believe does not.

I dunno? Both boresighting as well as handoff work for me without needing to switch master modes. For example I can do handoff 4x in a row for all 4 stations, then manually ripple 4x, without any mode switching.

Anyway, just sharing tips that came to mind after seeing the vid, for anyone reading the thread, use whatever you find useful.. or not
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